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Situation: We are now in 2018. There's no way to download House of the Dead 4 for free anymore because it was released 10 years ago! The only option left is to buy this game which currently costs about $15 USD. House of the Dead 4 also has a sequel, but you will have to pay for it if you want that game too! So here comes my premonition about how I think things will go with our website person. 1) Get House of the Dead 4 and enjoy playing it and discovering it. 2)House of the Dead 4 is only $15! Sure it will be hard to save that much if you're a poor person, but this game is worth $15 + $10 we already spent on snacks so let's put them together and get both games. 3) Still way too expensive despite already killing many zombies in HoTD4 for hours non-stop. Let's read some more about this game online. Oh, there are lots of fan made ROM hacks out there! Maybe those will be fun, I'll try a few of them out. And then…..BAM! We end up at ROMhacking. net. 4) More ROM Hacks! This time the hacks are about *GASP* CODEBREAKING and we end up at, which has a nice section on codebreaking and House of the Dead 4 that we didn't know about yet! Of course we end up there and we learn about some cool stuff like: a) How to decrypt the game files to get different levels and enemies in our house of the dead 4 rom, which was our goal all along! And b) How to break open the code and make new codes (i.e. cheats) to the game. 5) We're so excited by the new information, we get right to work. The first thing we try is changing cheats that are inside the game data file, because that seems easier than hacking into the game's code. We find some cool cheats and start cheating like crazy! But it's not long before we run into limitations of this method. We learn there are other ways to change the game's code. 6) It's time to go back to and dig deeper into hacking the game's coding. The first site we try is, which turns out to be awfully detailed, but not very intuitive or easy-to-understand. For example, the page tells us exactly how many lines of code are used to 'unlock' each cheat (6 lines). But I thought hacking was about making new codes, not just unlocking already-existing codes! We try another method - 'Searching for House of the Dead Cheats'. cfa1e77820